Saturday, July 28, 2007

"Drawing near to the love of God..."

"You are here" is the best possible advice for anyone starting to learn to pray. Praying is not a question of "succeeding" and "getting it right". It is not even about achieving anything. It is about drawing near to the love of God. And the love that prompts and draws us to pray is the same love that meets and embraces us when we do.
We are full of "shoulds" and "oughts" when it comes to the Christian life, and the awareness of what ought to be can become a millstone of condemnation around our necks. "Pray as you can and do not pray as you can't", says one spiritual guide, "Take yourself as you find yourself and start from there".
The great gift of God's love is that he allows us to start from exactly where we are, just as we are. And on the complicated map called Life, beside "YOU ARE HERE" and my big red arrow, is another message and another arrow, pointing right beside me, "I AM HERE TOO!"

- David Runcorn, A Center of Quiet; Hearing God When Life Is Noisy


Natalie said...

Thank you so much for your sermon on prayer and the excerpts you included. I am very glad I stumbled across your blog. I was beginning to feel that God did not care anymore since I didn't feel that my prayers were being heard, let alone answered. But you have inspired me and humbled me. God bless.

出張ホスト said...
